
Clark 2

This is a Private archive used for testing.

The Kindex® system recognizes the following “L” Dates in this Archive:
Labor day
Labor day holiday
las diez de la mañana
last 45 days
last day
Last day of the month
Last day of the year
Last evening
last few months
last few weeks
last known year
last minute
Last month
last night
last of the month
last of the month
last season
last six months
last three decades
last three months
last three to five years
last Tuesday
last week
Last weekend
last winter
last year
Late ,
late 1890 's
late 1890's
late 19th-century
late afternoon
late forties
late June
late June , 2023
Late Lori
Late nineteenth - century
Late nineteenth-century
late one evening
Late went
later in the afternoon
later that day
less than
less than 30 days
light - years
like 15 minutes later
little after 5
little after 6
little better that 113 years
little early
little later today
long day
long evening
long old day
long tiring day
lovely 3 hours
lovely night